The ove­rarc­hing hig­her cause for us is about making the who­le star­tup com­mu­ni­ty awa­re of an alter­na­ti­ve to the ste­reo­ty­pical “how to rai­se as much money as pos­sible” thin­king (which results in having to tell a real­ly bold sto­ry to pump valua­tions up, and eve­ryt­hing that forces you to do). We want to help build more success­ful star­tups, which reward the foun­ders and inves­tors for the risk-taking. One cor­ners­to­ne of that is the accep­tance of basic facts such as sta­tis­tical pro­ba­bi­li­ties of success in dif­fe­rent sce­na­rios. Hence we favour a ratio­nal approach to risk and fun­ding, as on ave­ra­ge the sur­vi­val rates are much bet­ter when your plan does not depend on win­ning-the-lot­te­ry type odds. 

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

Maria 01, Building 1, entrance B
Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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