Goril­la Capi­tal con­ti­nues to build for con­ti­nui­ty – welco­mes Ami Rubinstein

Goril­la Capital’s new ven­tu­re part­ner Ami Rubins­tein has a fami­ly busi­ness background and diver­se expe­rience from star­tups and corporations.

Photo of Ami Rubinstein, Venture Partner at Gorilla Capital
Pho­to of Ami Rubins­tein, Ven­tu­re Part­ner at Goril­la Capital

Goril­la Capi­tal, the only industrial sca­le angel inves­tor in the Nor­dic region, strengt­hens its team as it con­ti­nues to build for con­ti­nui­ty for its camel inves­ting business.

Ami Rubins­tein, with fami­ly con­sul­ting busi­ness background, has pre­vious­ly wor­ked for glo­bal cor­po­ra­tions as well as in inter­na­tio­nal star­tup and growth com­pa­nies as CEO and Head of Sales. Ami brings over a deca­de of expe­rience in sales and cus­to­mer insight, most recent­ly from Sula­pac Ltd.

Goril­la Capi­tal has posi­tio­ned itself in a unique way that adds sig­ni­ficant value to the Nor­dic angel invest­ment and VC sce­ne. I look forward to doing my part in pro­vi­ding mea­ning­ful and sig­ni­ficant returns for our inves­tors whilst simul­ta­neous­ly hel­ping our port­fo­lio foun­ders make the most of their com­pa­nies and cul­ti­va­te new and success­ful serial ent­repre­neurs to the Nor­dic busi­ness eco­sys­tem.” Ami Rubins­tein explains.

Goril­la Fund II was about making evi­dent that the camel invest­ment stra­te­gy, pro­ven to work by pro­fes­sio­nal US angel inves­tors for deca­des, works also in Fin­land. It does. Goril­la Fund III aims to make the camel way of buil­ding busi­nes­ses a viable alter­na­ti­ve for the Nor­dic foun­ders as well. For that we need more people to car­ry the Goril­la torch furt­her to Goril­la Fund IV and bey­ond.” explains Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Mana­ging Part­ner of Goril­la Capital.

The stra­te­gy itself is time­less – it works, inde­pen­dent of eco­no­mic cycles or tech­no­lo­gical trends. But when execu­ting the stra­te­gy, broad pers­pec­ti­ve and per­so­nal matu­ri­ty are cri­tical assets. Ami’s ver­sa­ti­le expe­rience so far has given him very applicable exper­ti­se. Also his skills in sales & cus­to­mer insight will be par­ticu­lar­ly valuable in sup­por­ting our foun­ders.,” conclu­des Rautakorpi.

Goril­la Capi­tal is the Nor­dic ins­ti­tu­tio­nal angel inves­tor. Gorilla’s invest­ment stra­te­gy is based on assu­ming the most pro­bable outco­me, rat­her than the out­lier. Dis­tinc­ti­ve in that approach is how the jour­ney with a star­tup is star­ted – pas­sio­na­te­ly yet rea­lis­tical­ly. This is what they cha­rac­te­rize as inves­ting in so-cal­led camel companies.

As an inves­tor, Goril­la Capi­tal stri­ves for mar­ket returns with lower risk by inves­ting in approxi­ma­te­ly a hundred com­pa­nies from their third fund. The com­pa­ny stri­ves to cont­ri­bu­te to a thri­ving and sus­tai­nable star­tup eco­sys­tem, whe­re the capi­tal and know- how inves­ted into it are retur­ned to circu­la­tion with inte­rest in the form of exits and serial entrepreneurs.

For furt­her infor­ma­tion, plea­se contact:

Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi
Mana­ging Part­ner, Goril­la Capi­tal, +358 500 705668

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

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Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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