Crowd­sor­sa mobi­le game will be used in the sum­mer to com­bat inva­si­ve plant species in the city of Hel­sin­ki and also in ~40 other cities around Fin­land, Swe­den and the UK.

Crowd­sor­sa is a Fin­nish star­tup deve­lo­ping a mobi­le game for crowd­sourcing data col­lec­tion. The bring citizens and cities toget­her via a mobi­le game, to work towards impro­ved roads and cycle lanes, infra­struc­tu­re assets, acces­si­bi­li­ty, bio­di­ver­si­ty, and much more. Crowd­sor­sa sets up mis­sions in the game, whe­re people get paid for col­lec­ting data or doing mic­ro-tasks such as repel­ling inva­si­ve plant species.

Read more:
Hel­sin­gin Sano­mat
Crowd­sor­sa webpage

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