Goril­la Capi­tal is gra­te­ful and proud to announce that it has reac­hed fund size of €41 mil­lion, just 10 months after the 1st clo­se in August 2023.

This achie­ve­ment high­lights the con­fi­dence and trust our 90+ inves­tors have placed in our stra­te­gy and team, even amidst the cur­rent mar­ket con­di­tions. We extend our since­rest gra­ti­tu­de to our inves­tors for their sup­port and belief in our stra­te­gy as the The Nor­dic Ins­ti­tu­tio­nal Super Angel.

The final clo­se of the fund is sche­du­led to take place in fall 2024.

Plea­se con­tact gorilla@gorillacapital.fi for more information.

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

Maria 01, Building 1, entrance B
Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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Our email addresses are in the format firstname@gorillacapital.fi

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