We are deligh­ted and proud to announce that Goril­la Capi­tal has been recog­ni­sed for unique stra­te­gy & deal flow in the VC cate­go­ry of the SFR Alter­na­ti­ve Mana­ger Sur­vey 2024.

The SFR Research Alter­na­ti­ve Mana­gers Sur­vey 2024 was car­ried out in coo­pe­ra­tion with the Fin­nish Industrial Invest­ment (Tesi). Over 40 LPs repre­sen­ting over 270 bil­lion euros of invest­ment capaci­ty were inter­viewed ano­ny­mous­ly. Inves­tors eva­lua­ted over 60 asset mana­gers across VCPE and infra cate­go­ries based on the 12 cri­te­ria percei­ved to be most important.

Goril­la Capi­tal was awar­ded in two VC categories:

:trophy:Stra­te­gy Unique­ness:trophy:
for unique­ness and rele­vance of the strategy

:trophy: Deal Flow :trophy:
for the abi­li­ty to find att­rac­ti­ve invest­ment targets

Cate­go­ry wins in SFR Alter­na­ti­ve Mana­gers Sur­vey is a welco­med third-par­ty vali­da­tion for our long-term com­mit­ment in deve­lo­ping our dis­tinc­ti­ve stra­te­gy as the Nor­dic Ins­ti­tu­tio­nal Super Angel. We have been able to rai­se awa­re­ness of the camel inves­ting model amongst the inves­tor com­mu­ni­ty and main­tain strong ope­ra­tio­nal per­for­mance in a tough mar­ketplace, whe­re fun­drai­sing has been excep­tio­nal­ly hard both for the funds and the star­tups ali­ke“, celebra­tes Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, the Foun­ding and Mana­ging Part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal.

SFR Research is Fin­land’s lar­gest comple­te­ly inde­pen­dent asset mana­ge­ment research com­pa­ny. It is well known and res­pec­ted for the Ins­ti­tu­tio­nal Invest­ment Ser­vices Pro­gram (ISP), eva­lua­ting the per­for­mance of Fin­nish asset mana­gers & other ser­vice pro­vi­ders annual­ly since 2000. The Alter­na­ti­ve Mana­gers Sur­vey fol­lows the success of the ISP. The sur­vey was crea­ted to assist Fin­nish ins­ti­tu­tio­nal and pri­va­te inves­tors in alter­na­ti­ve asset class invest­ments by uti­lizing research data.

A who­le­hear­ted thank you to our anc­hor inves­tors Busi­ness Fin­land VC and Elo, as well as our fami­ly office, foun­da­tion and nume­rous pri­va­te LPs for your con­ti­nuo­us sup­port.

SFR Alter­na­ti­ve Mana­gers Awards 2024

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

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