Goril­la Fund I starts gene­ra­ting car­ried inte­rest fol­lowing Duu­ni­to­ri exit 

Duu­ni­to­ri Oy, the mar­ket lea­der in job search, has been acqui­red by the pri­va­te equi­ty firm Inte­ra Part­ners. Duu­ni­to­ri is making rec­rui­ting and job search smar­ter and is a thought lea­der in digi­ta­li­sing them both. 

Goril­la Fund I inves­ted in Duu­ni­to­ri, then named Sky­hood, in 2015. At the time, the com­pa­ny con­sis­ted of 5 people and reve­nue was in the low six figu­res – since then, it has doubled and redoubled time and again, reac­hing 14 mil­lion euros in 2021. 

As a result of this high­ly succes­ful exit, Goril­la Fund I has alrea­dy retur­ned 2x the ori­gi­nal capi­tal, cash on cash, and the­re are many good com­pa­nies remai­ning in the port­fo­lio. Duu­ni­to­ri also beca­me the lar­gest exit among nume­rous posi­ti­ve ones in Goril­la Capital’s ope­ra­ting his­to­ry, mea­su­red by the company’s exit value. It yiel­ded a subs­tan­tial return of 70x the ini­tial invest­ment

Duu­ni­to­ri is a per­fect example of the often over­loo­ked type of a star­tup – the “camel” (which we love)  that focuses on buil­ding sus­tai­nable busi­ness rat­her than rai­sing maxi­mum amounts of capi­tal to make ris­ky bets. We are very proud of having been part of the Duu­ni­to­ri jour­ney for 7 years. Their success is no coinci­dence”, says Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Mana­ging Part­ner at Goril­la Capital. 

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