
Cut the Noi­se, Focus on What Matters

Welco­me to Goril­la Capi­tal Insights, your go-to source for sharp gui­dance that mat­ters to foun­ders and inves­tors alike. 

Whet­her you’­re an ear­ly-sta­ge begin­ner or a sea­so­ned pro­fes­sio­nal, we’­re here to deli­ver straight-up insights on buil­ding resi­lient companies.



Goril­laCast is a podcast crea­ted with one pur­po­se: to get you the real, unfil­te­red insights you need on your star­tup jour­ney. This is a space for foun­ders to hear direct­ly from expe­rienced inves­tors, fel­low ent­repre­neurs, and industry experts about what tru­ly mat­ters in the star­tup world. 

Our goal? To make sure you never find your­self thin­king, “I wish I’d known that years ago.” Goril­laCast brings you valuable les­sons on eve­ryt­hing from hit­ting pro­duct-mar­ket fit to unders­tan­ding the fun­da­men­tal “why” behind your business. 

Each epi­so­de dives deep into the grit­ty rea­li­ties of buil­ding a star­tup, fea­tu­ring aut­hen­tic con­ver­sa­tions that go bey­ond the super­ficial to give you actio­nable insights that will help you on your path to success. 

New epi­so­des will be avai­lable bi-weekly apart from holi­day periods.

    1: Learning Before Earning

    In the debut epi­so­de of Goril­laCast, host Ami Rubins­tein has a discus­sion with Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, a foun­ding part­ner at Goril­la Capital. 

    Toget­her, they del­ve into the hard-ear­ned les­sons of buil­ding success­ful startups. 

    2: Early On You Have Just One Focus

    Host Ami Rubins­tein chats with Sam­po Park­ki­nen, foun­der of Revie­ve and Ven­tu­re Part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal, about the impor­tance of ear­ly-sta­ge focus, especial­ly pre-pro­duct-mar­ket fit. The key takeaway: ear­ly foun­ders should prio­ri­tize unders­tan­ding their cus­to­mers and achie­ving PMF swift­ly and efficient­ly to set up for long-term success.

    3: Find a Problem Worth Solving

    Goril­la Capi­tal co-foun­der Pet­ri Leh­mus­kos­ki discus­ses about the impor­tance of achie­ving a “problem-solu­tion fit” befo­re moving on to pro­duct-mar­ket fit. Pet­ri sha­res insights on unders­tan­ding cus­to­mer needs, ite­ra­ting based on feed­back, and the chal­len­ges of sca­ling pre­ma­tu­re­ly. He also reflects on les­sons lear­ned as an inves­tor, high­ligh­ting patience and the value of lear­ning from expe­rienced men­tors in the industry.

    4: Real-Life Search For PMF - Foxie Journey

    In this epi­so­de, Anna Kil­po­nen, COO and Co-foun­der of Foxie talks in detail about Foxie’s search for PMF from the ear­ly small succes­ses to the frustra­tion of rea­lizing how long and win­ding the road is towards PMF and the rea­liza­tion of what needs to be done to get the­re. This is a rare glimp­se into the actual jour­ney that is still ongoing. This epi­so­de offers a lot of lear­nings to foun­ders and inves­tors alike.

    5: Same lake, different fish

    In this epi­so­de of Goril­laCast, Ami sits down with Juha Lind­fors, Part­ner at Life­li­ne Ven­tu­res, to explo­re the inner wor­kings of ven­tu­re capi­tal stra­te­gy, especial­ly in the con­text of ear­ly-sta­ge invest­ments. Juha sha­res his jour­ney into VC, key principles Life­li­ne Ven­tu­res fol­lows when bac­king star­tups, and the vital role of team eva­lua­tion. We also discuss the cont­ras­ting invest­ment phi­lo­sop­hies of Life­li­ne Ven­tu­res and Goril­la Capi­tal, high­ligh­ting dif­fe­rent approac­hes to risk, return, and capi­tal efficiency. 

    Other Gorilla Insights


    Vesa Van­ha-Hon­ko, a foun­ding part­ner of Cap­Man, explains why he deci­ded to invest in Goril­la’s Fund III.


    Ven­tu­re Capi­tal and Camel Com­pa­nies: An Unna­tu­ral Com­bo? Dive into the complexi­ties of bac­king sus­tai­nable star­tups with Goril­la Capi­tal Foun­der Ris­to Rautakorpi. 

    Industry Voices


    Harward Busi­ness Review:

    Star­tups, It’s Time to Think Like Camels, Not Unicorns“
    Disco­ver why resi­lience is the new black in the star­tup scene.

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