Goril­la Capi­tal invests in 10.team 🇫🇮

10.team is a com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­ting pro mar­ke­ters with pro ath­le­tes for stra­te­gic part­ners­hips, deve­lo­ped by 10 Sports Mar­ke­ting Hub Inc based in Hel­sin­ki Olym­pic Sta­dium and bac­ked by success­ful mar­ke­ting entrepreneurs. 

Ath­le­tes are inc­re­dible part­ners for growth-min­ded brands. Our plat­form makes it easy to sca­le digi­tal col­la­bo­ra­tions and our vision is to beco­me the Euro­pean cham­pion”, says 10.team Foun­der & Cap­tain Erk­ko Sim­siö.

We at Goril­la were impres­sed of 10.teams inno­va­ti­ve approach to influencer mar­ke­ting. The team behind is expe­rienced in the field of mar­ke­ting and Erk­ko as the foun­der has a pro­ven track record as an ent­repre­neur. Moreo­ver, Erkko’s background as a semi-pro­fes­sio­nal ath­le­te as well as his invol­ve­ment in media and mar­ke­ting throug­hout his career is reflec­ted in his abi­li­ty to unders­tand why cus­to­mers buy. In the US the­se type of ser­vices exist alrea­dy and now 10.team will bring them to Euro­pe”, con­ti­nues Pet­ri Leh­mus­kos­ki, foun­ding part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal.

Read more about 10.team

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