Gorilla Capital Fund III 24th investment is Snower

Goril­la Capi­tal Fund III has made its 24th invest­ment in Snower – a pro­vi­der of real-time, easy-to-use snow con­di­tion data that helps the public, main­te­nance teams, and experts enhance safe­ty and efficiency.

Snower is an advanced snow mea­su­re­ment sys­tem desig­ned to pro­vi­de accu­ra­te and reliable data by using algo­rithms, ML, and AI. It ope­ra­tes through a network of IoT sen­sors that gat­her preci­se snow infor­ma­tion and other mea­su­re­ments essen­tial for various win­ter con­di­tions. It is used for various applica­tions, inclu­ding road main­te­nance, ava­lanc­he moni­to­ring, and weat­her forecas­ting. The infor­ma­tion is deli­ve­red back to the user in an easy-to-unders­tand for­mat. Snower devices are desig­ned and manu­fac­tu­red in Fin­land for rough, Nor­dic conditions.

Foun­der Har­ri Valas­ma sha­res: “The invest­ment from Goril­la Capi­tal and pri­va­te inves­tors enables us to pro­vi­de an easy-to-use and power­ful snow detec­tion sys­tem to roads, moun­tains and buil­dings all over the world. Due to cli­ma­te chan­ge, the problems caused by snow are get­ting wor­se and Snower is the sys­tem which brings the up-to-date infor­ma­tion of the cur­rent snow con­di­tions to the public, main­te­nance, and experts in an easy-to-unders­tand format.”

Goril­la Capi­tal Part­ner Ami Rubins­tein high­lights: “Making bet­ter deci­sions requi­res bet­ter infor­ma­tion. Snower has found a way to col­lect and process high qua­li­ty data to help cus­to­mers make the right choices quickly and efficiently.”

Learn more about Snower: https://snower.fi/

Gorilla Capital Fund III 23rd investment is Data Farm

Goril­la Capi­tal Fund III 23rd invest­ment is Data Farm. Data Farm trans­forms sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty repor­ting from a regu­la­to­ry bur­den into a stra­te­gic asset. Its inno­va­ti­ve esgPlat­form deli­vers enterpri­se-gra­de ESG data mana­ge­ment and repor­ting through a modu­lar approach that simpli­fies complex requi­re­ments for orga­niza­tions of all sizes.

Built on a robust, data-dri­ven arc­hi­tec­tu­re, Data Farm con­so­li­da­tes mul­tiple repor­ting fra­meworks into one cent­ra­lized sys­tem. This breakth­rough solu­tion mini­mizes redun­dant manual work and empowers com­pa­nies to har­ness their sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty data for stra­te­gic deci­sion-making. It’s an essen­tial tool for SMEs, which often lack the resources of lar­ger cor­po­ra­tions yet face inc­rea­sing pres­su­re from regu­la­tors and stakeholders.

Mika Joki­ran­ta, CEO of Data Farm, explains, “Goril­la Capi­tal’s invest­ment enables us to acce­le­ra­te our mis­sion of democ­ra­tizing sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty repor­ting. Their stra­te­gic sup­port helps us expand our reach and empower more com­pa­nies to trans­form their sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty data into com­pe­ti­ti­ve advantage.”

Goril­la Capi­tal Part­ner Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi adds, “Data Farm’s inno­va­ti­ve solu­tion addres­ses a cri­tical mar­ket gap by making ESG repor­ting acces­sible and mana­geable for SMEs. Their plat­form brings robust sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty mana­ge­ment wit­hin reach of busi­nes­ses that pre­vious­ly lac­ked the resources to tackle int­rica­te repor­ting demands.”

This invest­ment marks our con­ti­nued com­mit­ment to bac­king breakth­rough solu­tions that dri­ve efficiency and stra­te­gic value in sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty practices.

Learn more about Data Farm: www.datafarm.fi 

Gorilla Capital invests in PhysAct - a digital platform designed to tackle stress-related health challenges

Phy­sAct is a cut­ting-edge digi­tal ser­vice aimed at addres­sing stress-rela­ted health issues by pro­mo­ting phy­sical acti­vi­ty along­si­de per­so­na­lized phy­siot­he­ra­py sup­port. With a strong com­mit­ment to impro­ving men­tal health and well-being, the Phy­sAct team, wor­king clo­se­ly with expert phy­siot­he­ra­pists, focuses on enhancing emplo­yee health, lea­ding to inc­rea­sed pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty for busi­nes­ses.

Marcus Eng, CEO and Foun­der, emp­ha­sizes the impor­tance of tackling men­tal health chal­len­ges, sta­ting, “Men­tal ill health is a sig­ni­ficant issue for socie­ty, com­pa­nies, and indi­vi­duals. Research has con­sis­tent­ly shown the pro­found impact phy­sical acti­vi­ty can have. PhysAct’s model, through per­so­na­lized phy­siot­he­ra­py sup­port, achie­ves high par­tici­pa­tion rates among emplo­yees.“

Pet­ter Hat­ten­bach, part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal, adds, “PhysAct’s data-dri­ven approach, com­bi­ned with tai­lo­red phy­siot­he­ra­pist sup­port, deli­vers mea­su­rable results. This not only impro­ves indi­vi­dual well-being but also dri­ves pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty, making it a valuable asset for com­pa­nies.“


Gorilla Capital invests in Ommej – a social enterprise with an innovative app that prevents children’s mental health issues 

By cap­tu­ring the child’s pers­pec­ti­ve and enabling col­la­bo­ra­tion between various pro­fes­sio­nals wor­king with children, Ommej cont­ri­bu­tes to ear­ly iden­ti­fica­tion of needs and more effec­ti­ve interventions.

Ommej addres­ses the need for a holis­tic unders­tan­ding of children’s needs, offe­ring seam­less care and sup­port. The app is free for all children, rein­forcing their right to be heard, whi­le aggre­ga­ting valuable data to help impro­ve services.

As ear­ly as our first inte­rac­tion, Goril­la Capi­tal pro­ved to be an excep­tio­nal partner—professional, com­mit­ted, and deeply alig­ned with our mis­sion,” says Nico­li­na Frans­son foun­der and CEO of Ommej. “We are proud to have them on board as we work toget­her to crea­te a brigh­ter futu­re for children. Their invest­ment is a strong vote of con­fi­dence in the impor­tant work we’re doing at Ommej, and we sha­re a com­mon vision: that children are the foun­da­tion of a bet­ter tomorrow.”


Gorilla Capital Invests in Waybiller for Digital Waybill and Freight Tracking

Way­bil­ler is an e-way­bill softwa­re that helps you crea­te and sto­re your digi­tal way­bills and track your vehicles car­rying freight. 

It is dis­rup­ting the logis­tics sec­tor, par­ticu­lar­ly in bulk ope­ra­tions. Their inno­va­ti­ve approach and unique solu­tions stand out in a mar­ket whe­re such advance­ments are rare. “Way­bil­ler is not only dis­rup­ting bulk ope­ra­tions but also rede­fi­ning what’s pos­sible in the logis­tics sec­tor. Their inno­va­ti­ve approach on deli­ve­ring real value to cus­to­mers aligns per­fect­ly with Goril­la Capital’s invest­ment phi­lop­hy”, notes Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi from Goril­la Capi­tal. ”We are exci­ted to sup­port them as they con­ti­nue to set new industry stan­dards”.

Rai­do Pik­kar, co-foun­der of Way­bil­ler, adds, “At Way­bil­ler, we are very par­ticu­lar about the inves­tors we bring on board. Each one is hand-pic­ked, ensu­ring they sha­re our vision for dis­rup­ting the logis­tics industry. We are ext­re­me­ly proud to have Goril­la Capi­tal co-lead this invest­ment round, along­si­de Ambient Sound Invest­ments. Goril­la Capi­tal is a legen­da­ry inves­tor that we have long wan­ted to col­la­bo­ra­te with, and we belie­ve their exper­ti­se will be instru­men­tal in pro­pel­ling Way­bil­ler to new heights”.


Gorilla Capital invests in Fundrella - disrupting the way funds are being selected

Goril­la Capi­tal invests in Fundrel­la 🇸🇪

Fundrel­la is a B2B SaaS com­pa­ny dis­rup­ting the way funds are being selec­ted and distri­bu­ted enabling ESG match­ma­king between pro­fes­sio­nal inves­tors and asset mana­ge­ment com­pa­nies, globally.

The glo­bal asset mana­ge­ment industry is under great pres­su­re to move towards a sus­tai­nable futu­re but lacks efficient tools for this tran­si­tion. That’s why Fundrel­la came about. We acce­le­ra­te the shift.” says Wava Bodin, Foun­der & CEO of Fundrel­la.

“When we meet star­tups at Goril­la Capi­tal we drill deep and try to find the foun­ders’ why and how the busi­ness got star­ted. With Fundrel­la and Wava, we quickly found our boxes tic­ked. Wava’s senior expe­rience from the industry, her abi­li­ty to execu­te, and her unders­tan­ding of the dyna­mics between the buy side and sell side were impres­si­ve”. says Pet­ter Hat­ten­bach, Ven­tu­re Part­ner, Goril­la Capi­tal.

Read more: Fundrel­la webpage

Gorilla Capital invests in Clevenio - Solving Key Bottlenecks for B2B Sales Teams

Goril­la Capi­tal invests in Cle­ve­nio 🇫🇮

Cle­ve­nio deve­lops a sales intel­li­gence softwa­re that auto­ma­tes the enti­re process of list buil­ding and account research for sales reps. Clevenio’s new approach to B2B sales has alrea­dy gar­ne­red sig­ni­ficant atten­tion in the Nor­dics, especial­ly in Finland. 

We have alrea­dy seen local­ly that our approach to sales can more than double the results com­pa­red to tra­di­tio­nal sales softwa­re tools. Our auto­ma­ted data and research pro­ducts, com­bi­ned with out­reach func­tio­na­li­ties, are alrea­dy deli­ve­ring great results in the Nor­dics. We are exci­ted to start buil­ding the­se capa­bi­li­ties for lar­ger mar­kets as well,” says CEO Alek­si Hal­sas.

When inves­ting in com­pa­nies, we want to see that the team has iden­ti­fied a sig­ni­ficant problem worth sol­ving. Cle­ve­nio has found a major pain point for B2B sales teams and is buil­ding a solu­tion that could great­ly impact on B2B sales effec­ti­ve­ness. We are exci­ted to sup­port the team on its path forward,” says Ami Rubins­tein, Ven­tu­re Part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal.

Read more: Cle­ve­nio webpage

Gorilla Capital invests in UpUP - a microgifting company

Goril­la Capi­tal invests in UpUp 🇸🇪

UpUp is a Swe­dish, forward-thin­king solu­tion desig­ned to moder­nize how com­pa­nies enga­ge with their cus­to­mers and emplo­yees. Its inno­va­ti­ve approach to digi­tal vouc­hers and mic­ro­gifts, com­bi­ned with a success­ful track record, makes it a valuable tool for busi­nes­ses loo­king to build stron­ger, more emo­tio­nal­ly con­nec­ted rela­tions­hips.

“At UpUp, we’­re revo­lu­tio­nizing the art of mic­ro­gif­ting by hel­ping com­pa­nies con­nect with their cus­to­mers and emplo­yees in new ways. And this is just the begin­ning – our inno­va­ti­ve tech can tru­ly be used in nume­rous res­pects, says Peter Axels­son CEO at UpUp. “Our vision extends bey­ond Swe­den as we pre­pa­re for a dyna­mic Euro­pean expan­sion, com­mit­ted to fos­te­ring more mea­ning­ful busi­ness rela­tions­hips across the con­ti­nent.”

“Good busi­ness rela­tions­hips, whet­her between a com­pa­ny and its cus­to­mers or its emplo­yees, are built on showing genui­ne care and going the ext­ra mile. This is whe­re mic­ro­gif­ting makes a dif­fe­rence. Whi­le mic­ro­gif­ting itself is not new, com­bi­ning it with a caring mind­set and modern tech­no­lo­gy is. This is why we at Goril­la Capi­tal are exci­ted to sup­port UpUp on their jour­ney to set a new stan­dard in mic­ro­gif­ting,” says Pet­ter Hat­ten­bach, Ven­tu­re Part­ner, Goril­la Capi­tal.

Read more: UpUp web­pa­ges

Xiphera Ltd. has been chosen to industrial co-operation agreement related to the F-35 fighter program in Finland

Xip­he­ra will be a mem­ber of a con­sor­tium, which has sig­ned an indi­rect industrial coo­pe­ra­tion agree­ment with Lock­heed Mar­tin rela­ted to the F-35 pro­gram in Fin­land. The agree­ment ini­tia­tes unique deve­lop­ment work of high­ly secu­re elect­ro­nics for defen­se applica­tions and buil­ding of cyber­secu­ri­ty tes­ting labo­ra­to­ries in Fin­land.

The con­sor­tium is led by Cross­hill Ltd, and in addi­tion to Xip­he­ra, it inclu­des Habi­li­to Oy and Nixu Cor­po­ra­tion from Fin­land. The pro­ject com­bi­nes the exper­ti­se of the Fin­nish com­pa­nies with Lock­heed Mar­tin’s capa­bi­li­ties and glo­bal defen­se industry lea­ders­hip.

Read more
Cross­hill Ltd press release

Gorilla Capital invests in Thermal Storage Finland - manufacturer of hybrid Thermal Power Plants

Goril­la Capi­tal invests in Ther­mal Sto­ra­ge Fin­land 🇫🇮

Ther­mal Sto­ra­ge Fin­land Oy (TSF) sells and manu­fac­tu­res unique self-deve­lo­ped hybrid ther­mal power plants for the renewable CO-2 free ener­gy mar­ket. The com­pa­ny’s goal is to be Nort­hern Euro­pe’s lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of hybrid ther­mal power plants.

The hybrid ther­mal power plant uses modern heat pump tech­no­lo­gy, com­bi­ned with ther­mal and elect­rical solar ener­gy. TSF power plant is cont­rol­led by self-deve­lo­ped intel­li­gent cont­rol sys­tem. TSF cont­rol sys­tem toget­her with excep­tio­nal use case of heat pumps, enables supe­rior efficiency and CO2- emis­sions free hea­ting solu­tion for pro­per­ties that con­su­me more than 300 MWh annually.

We recog­nized well in advance the impor­tance of this financing round from the pers­pec­ti­ve of the com­pa­ny’s futu­re. We focused and put a lot of effort into it. The most impor­tant thing for us was to find the right part­ners to ensu­re cont­rol­led and at the same time aggres­si­ve growth of the com­pa­ny. Alrea­dy at the first mee­ting with Ris­to, the who­le team got the fee­ling that Goril­la is the num­ber one choice for us. We are very hap­py and gra­te­ful for whe­re we are hea­ding now”. TSF foun­der & CEO Jan­ne Rita­kos­ki sta­tes.

We are a sec­tor agnos­tic port­fo­lio inves­tor aiming for high diver­si­fica­tion. We were impres­sed both by the inno­va­ti­ve yet prag­ma­tic solu­tion TSF has deve­lo­ped for an inc­rea­singly acu­te problem and their star­tup sty­le approach in a con­ser­va­ti­ve industry. We warm­ly welco­me TSF to the Goril­la fami­ly of “camels!”, says Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Mana­ging and Foun­ding Part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal.

Read more
Ther­mal Sto­ra­ge Finland 

Ther­mal Sto­ra­ge Foun­der & CEO Jan­ne Ritakoski

Gorilla Capital invests in Habbie – a digital service for rehabilitation, habilitation and preventive training

Goril­la Capi­tal invests in 10.team 🇸🇪

Hab­bie’s ser­vice ser­vice makes trai­ning fun and moti­va­ting, ensu­res the qua­li­ty of the treat­ment and pro­mo­tes compliance and fol­low-up. For staff and care­gi­vers, Hab­bie pro­vi­des the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help more people, regard­less of whet­her it is per­so­nal rehab trai­ning at home or pre­ven­ti­ve group trai­ning at the nur­sing home, with exis­ting resources.

“Alrea­dy today, the­re is a lack of staff in healthca­re and as more and more people are get­ting older, healthca­re will not be able to cope with the task. That’s why Hab­bie was deve­lo­ped, a ser­vice that helps care­gi­vers help more people and moti­va­tes the patient so that the trai­ning is also car­ried out”, says Mar­tin Lars­son, CEO Hab­bie Health­Tech AB.

“When we meet foun­ders we always ask our­sel­ves are they curious about sol­ving their cus­to­mer’s problem? With Hab­bie that crys­tal­li­sed qui­te quickly and we were hap­py to find out that the first ver­sion of Hab­bie was deve­lo­ped in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­tion with cus­to­mers. With this mind­set and pre­vious ent­repre­neu­rial expe­rience, Hab­bie is well-posi­tio­ned to be the much-nee­ded ser­vice that can help elder­ly care and reha­bi­li­ta­tion impro­ve”, says Pet­ter Hat­ten­bach, Ven­tu­re Part­ner, Goril­la Capi­tal.

We are hap­py to join forces with ALMI Invest and NWT Invest AB in sup­por­ting Habbie.

Read more:
Hab­bie webpage

Gorilla invests in 10.team – connecting professional athletes with brands for strategic partnerships

Goril­la Capi­tal invests in 10.team 🇫🇮

10.team is a com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­ting pro mar­ke­ters with pro ath­le­tes for stra­te­gic part­ners­hips, deve­lo­ped by 10 Sports Mar­ke­ting Hub Inc based in Hel­sin­ki Olym­pic Sta­dium and bac­ked by success­ful mar­ke­ting entrepreneurs. 

Ath­le­tes are inc­re­dible part­ners for growth-min­ded brands. Our plat­form makes it easy to sca­le digi­tal col­la­bo­ra­tions and our vision is to beco­me the Euro­pean cham­pion”, says 10.team Foun­der & Cap­tain Erk­ko Sim­siö.

We at Goril­la were impres­sed of 10.teams inno­va­ti­ve approach to influencer mar­ke­ting. The team behind is expe­rienced in the field of mar­ke­ting and Erk­ko as the foun­der has a pro­ven track record as an ent­repre­neur. Moreo­ver, Erkko’s background as a semi-pro­fes­sio­nal ath­le­te as well as his invol­ve­ment in media and mar­ke­ting throug­hout his career is reflec­ted in his abi­li­ty to unders­tand why cus­to­mers buy. In the US the­se type of ser­vices exist alrea­dy and now 10.team will bring them to Euro­pe”, con­ti­nues Pet­ri Leh­mus­kos­ki, foun­ding part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal.

Read more about 10.team

Gorilla invests in Lola Panda – the best learning games for children in preschool and early education

Goril­la Capi­tal invests in Lola Panda 🇫🇮

Lola Pan­da is a tra­de­mar­ked game cha­rac­ter, fea­tu­ring in children’s mobi­le games crea­ted by Fin­nish com­pu­ter game deve­lo­per BeiZ Oy. 

Lola Pan­da pro­vi­des best lear­ning games for children in preschool and ear­ly educa­tion. Children can learn to read, count and sol­ve problems with Lola Pan­da lear­ning games. Educa­tio­nal applica­tions deve­lo­ped by BeiZ Oy have been down­loa­ded more than 40 mil­lion times in ten lan­gua­ge areas.

Lear­ning to read is a chal­len­ge, even in count­ries with a high level of educa­tion. For example, in the Uni­ted Sta­tes, only 32% of fourth-gra­de children can read well. The lear­ning model of Lola Pan­da applica­tions has been adap­ted to suit dif­fe­rent lan­gua­ge areas based on lear­nings from pre­vious Lola Pan­da applica­tions. Lola Pan­da’s rea­ding apps have been avai­lable in ten lan­gua­ges ​​for years, so the com­pa­ny has been able to deve­lop a solu­tion to this big, glo­bal problem,” says foun­der Mika Hei­kin­hei­mo.

Knowing how to read is one of the most impor­tant skills that eve­ry­one should acqui­re at some point. The mar­ket is growing at a fast pace, but even in seve­ral lar­ge mar­kets the­re is a lack of pro­fes­sio­nal rea­ding lear­ning applica­tions. Lola World lear­ning applica­tion is in the ear­ly sta­ges of the deve­lop­ment path, but it is alrea­dy one of the best solu­tions and it has alrea­dy hel­ped thousands of children to read. Now the com­pa­ny must deli­ver on its pro­mi­se and offer even lar­ger lan­gua­ge areas the most fun way to learn to read,” says Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Foun­ding Part­ner, Goril­la Capital.

Read more about Lola Pan­da

Gorilla invests in Clever Compliance – revolutionazing the compliance industry

Goril­la invests in Cle­ver Compliance Ab 🇸🇪

Cle­ver Compliance pro­vi­des a cloud-based SaaS solu­tion to stream­li­ne and mana­ge pro­duct compliance tasks for both small and lar­ge enterprises. 

Their ser­vices focus on auto­ma­ting the compliance process across orga­niza­tions, hel­ping to miti­ga­te risks associa­ted with non-compliance and enhancing ove­rall efficiency in mee­ting legal requirements.

Regu­la­to­ry Compliance is the third lar­gest risk for lar­ge enterpri­ses. Our goal, is not just stream­li­ning the tedious compliance work and mini­mizing this risk; but revo­lu­tio­nizing the enti­re compliance industry. Our cut­ting-edge solu­tion will chan­ge the way regu­la­to­ry compliance will be hand­led in the futu­re.” says Tobias Rydel, Chief Stra­te­gy Officer & founder.

At Goril­la Capi­tal we invest in camels, the humble, capi­tal-efficient star­tups that find their way to the end des­ti­na­tion, rain or shi­ne. I met Tobias seve­ral years ago and alrea­dy back then he showed the traits of a camel. With small resources, he has kept on cros­sing the desert, outs­mar­ting chal­len­ge after chal­len­ge and win­ning cus­to­mer after cus­to­mer. We are hap­py now to join Tobias on his jour­ney with Cle­ver Compliance and look forward to hel­ping many more cus­to­mers not only stay CE compliant but also be on top of regu­la­to­ry chan­ges.” Says Pet­ter Hat­ten­bach, Ven­tu­re Part­ner, Goril­la Capital.”

Read more about Cle­ver Compliance

Gorilla invests in Epic Invoicing Oy, developing social financial management service platform Eemel.com

Goril­la invests in Epic Invoicing Oy 🇫🇮

Eemel.com is a social financial mana­ge­ment ser­vice plat­form for small busi­nes­ses. It faci­li­ta­tes easy and efficient ten­de­ring, bid recep­tion, and inte­rac­tion between dif­fe­rent types of users on a glo­bal sca­le.

At the core of Eemel.com is an exten­si­ve softwa­re based on the Nettilasku.fi ser­vice, which inclu­des compre­hen­si­ve financial mana­ge­ment fea­tu­res, ban­king inte­gra­tions, and elect­ro­nic sig­ning.

Jark­ko Käh­kö­nen, foun­der of Epic Invoicing Oy, com­ments: “We are deeply gra­te­ful to Goril­la Capi­tal and all our angel inves­tors for their sig­ni­ficant cont­ri­bu­tion to our com­pa­ny. This invest­ment enables strong growth and pro­vi­des us with the resources to deve­lop even bet­ter ser­vices for our cur­rent and new users.”

We’re exci­ted to part­ner with Jark­ko and the who­le Epic Invoicing team on their growth jour­ney. The team has demon­stra­ted excep­tio­nal unders­tan­ding of the needs and chal­len­ges of small busi­nes­ses when it comes to financial softwa­re and has alrea­dy built an impres­si­ve pro­duct with Net­ti­las­ku that displays true vira­li­ty because of its excel­lence.”, says Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Foun­ding and Mana­ging Part­ner at Goril­la Capital.

We belie­ve this new fun­ding will allow Epic to sca­le their pre­sence and beco­me a sig­ni­ficant mar­ket player in the frag­men­ted small busi­ness financial softwa­re mar­ket.”, con­ti­nues Risto.

Read more:

Nettilasku.fi Lin­ke­dIn

Jark­ko Käh­kö­nen, foun­der of Epic Invoicing Oy

Gorilla invests in Daymi, who helps Financial Services track, record and prove their business critical processes and controls.

Goril­la invests in Day­mi 🇸🇪

Day­mi makes financial ser­vices pro­vi­ders’ ope­ra­tions easier, efficient and more secu­re.

As a regu­la­ted com­pa­ny, it’s not enough to just do things, you also have to pro­ve it to audi­tors, inves­tors or regu­la­tors. Day­mi is desig­ned to make day-to-day and month-to-month acti­vi­ties easy to track and per­form, and at the same time allowing any­one to pro­ve it with the click of a but­ton.” says Carl-Fredrik Svens­son, CEO and co-foun­der at Day­mi.

Who finds digi­ta­li­sing back office work for the financial industry exci­ting? Carl-Fredrik and Fabian Lin­degren from Day­mi of cour­se, but also Goril­la Capi­tal! Carl-Fredrik and Fabian star­ted in the back office busi­ness and after a whi­le, they got the task of fin­ding a tool for digi­ta­li­sing proces­ses. Since the­re were no tools on the mar­ket, Carl-Fredrik and Fabian deci­ded to build one and alrea­dy from the start they had cus­to­mers.”, says Pet­ter Hat­ten­bach, Ven­tu­re Part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal.

This is the kind of star­tup jour­ney that we at Goril­la Capi­tal like to invest in. Two dedica­ted foun­ders who come from the industry and have spot­ted a problem, which they - in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­tion with their first cus­to­mers - can crea­te a solu­tion for. Today Day­mi is trus­ted by the best in the industry”, Pet­ter con­ti­nues.

Read more:
Day­mi web­pa­ge
Day­mi LinkedIn

CollectiveCrunch and Metsä Group’s AI application wins International innovation competition

The Qua­li­ty Inno­va­tion Award was now orga­ni­sed for the 17th time. This year, the com­pe­ti­tion recei­ved 562 ent­ries from eight countries/areas, and the best 24 of them were rewar­ded. The win­ners of natio­nal qua­li­ty con­tests can enter the inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tion. Natio­nal qua­li­ty associa­tion (Excel­lence Fin­land) selec­ted the win­ner for Fin­land.

Con­gra­tu­la­tions Juha Kopo­nen and the team + team Met­säGroup for the achie­ve­ment!

The AI-based applica­tion (against forest insect dama­ge) iden­ti­fies star­ting bark beet­le-caused dama­ge in the forest, and so helps to com­bat forest infes­ta­tions alrea­dy at an ear­ly sta­ge. Insect dama­ge in trees can be iden­ti­fied by ana­ly­sing satel­li­te ima­ges pro­vi­ded by ESA’s Coper­nicus ser­vice.

Read more from press relea­ses:
Met­sä Group

Our latest investment, FreightOpt, provides shippers a system to search, book and track shipments - free of charge

This is good news for ent­repre­neurs with imports or exports & using Euro­pean road freights! 

We pro­vi­de the easiest way to book freights with com­pe­ti­ti­ve prices. Freig­hOpt offers compre­hen­si­ve freight mana­ge­ment with one sys­tem - ship­pers can search, book and track ship­ments. Savings are achie­ved with mul­tiple trans­pa­rent options, hig­her volu­mes and auto­ma­tion which enables inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness.” sais Niklas Björk, Co-foun­der at Freigh­tOpt Oy

”We are hap­py to join the Freigh­tOpt sto­ry and to be able to help the team reach its best poten­tial. I have expe­rienced the chal­len­ges of freight logis­tics myself when being an ent­repre­neur at Topt­ro­nics Oy. Freigh­tOpt eases the hea­dac­he of many small and mid­size com­pa­ny ent­repre­neurs. The team has wor­ked tight­ly toget­her with cus­to­mers since 2021 to pro­vi­de the easiest way to book road freights with com­pe­ti­ti­ve prices – and the sys­te­ma­tic work is star­ting to pay off with +500 unique boo­king cus­to­mers and +1,500,000€ boo­kings per year! prai­ses Pet­ri Leh­mus­kos­ki, Foun­ding Part­ner, Goril­la Capi­tal

Read more:
Freigh­tOpt web­pa­ge
Freigh­tOpt LinkedIn

Gorilla portco Gravito was selected as the technology partner for Swiss media houses

The Swiss Digi­tal Alliance and Gra­vi­to Ltd int­ro­duce OneID, a revo­lu­tio­na­ry adver­ti­sing ID sys­tem. Empowe­ring 3 mil­lion users with unprece­den­ted data cont­rol, OneID sets new bench­marks in res­pon­sible adver­ti­sing and data protection.

The Swiss Digi­tal Alliance, a con­sor­tium of the four big­gest pri­va­te Swiss media houses (CH Media, NZZ, Rin­gier and TX Group) and public broadcas­ter SRG, is res­pon­ding to the inc­rea­sing inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tion for adver­ti­sing reve­nue by inves­ting in local cooperation. 

To achie­ve this goal, the Alliance has part­ne­red with Hel­sin­ki-based softwa­re deve­lo­per Gra­vi­to Oy, which will pro­vi­de softwa­re to crea­te the res­pon­sible adver­ti­sing ID for Switzer­land cal­led “OneID”. With OneID, over 3 mil­lion users can be addres­sed on the att­rac­ti­ve pre­mium publis­hers in Switzer­land wit­hout over­lap. At the same time, it ensu­res that modern data pro­tec­tion stan­dards are adhe­red to and that users retain cont­rol over their data.

Read more:
👉🏼 Gra­vi­to blog
👉🏼 Yahoo article

Gorilla invests in Dealguru – community for shopping great deals & saving money

Goril­la invests in Dealguru.se 🇸🇪

Deal­Gu­ru is crea­ting Swe­den’s lar­gest com­mu­ni­ty for shop­ping and deals. With SEK 10 mil­lion in risk capi­tal secu­red, the goal is to help Swe­des save money through smar­ter purc­ha­sing decisions.

I love good deals, but the­re is no site that col­lects all real­ly good offers and discounts. That’s why we star­ted Deal­Gu­ru, to give all Swe­des the oppor­tu­ni­ty to disco­ver all the great deals and save money,” says Johan Selin, CEO and foun­der.

- “I love saving in all forms, so Deal­Gu­ru’s busi­ness idea feels very exci­ting. Being able to be part of the jour­ney from the start and also start inves­ting in unlis­ted com­pa­nies is both very exci­ting and educa­ting,” says inves­tor Nicklas Anders­son, pre­vious­ly Avanza’s for­mer savings eco­no­mist, who joi­ned Deal­Gu­ru as one of the first inves­tors in 2022.

Goril­la Capi­tal is hap­py join forces with Deal­gu­ru team and the other inves­tors: Inno­ves­tor as well as a group of expe­rienced ent­repre­neurs, busi­ness angels and fami­ly offices from Finland.

We invest in teams with a clear vision and capaci­ty to trans­form ideas into success­ful com­pa­nies with the cus­to­mer in focus. Deal­Gu­ru ful­fills all our cri­te­ria with flying colours, which is why they are one of our very first invest­ments from our 3rd fund”, conclu­des Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Mana­ging Part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal.

Read more about Deal­gu­ru from 👉🏼 Brea­kit article (in Swe­dish)


Deal­gu­ru Foun­ders Las­se Jär­vi­nen & CEO Johan Selin.

Axitare nominated 6th on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Finland winner list

Axi­ta­re nomi­na­ted 6th on the Deloit­te Tech­no­lo­gy Fast 50 Fin­land win­ner list

Goril­la port­fo­lio com­pa­ny / team Axi­ta­re, lead by Pent­ti­nen Juk­ka, has been nomi­na­ted 6th on the Deloit­te Tech­no­lo­gy Fast 50 Fin­land 2023 win­ners list.

Axi­ta­re is a Fin­nish inno­va­tor in healthca­re tech­no­lo­gy. Their hass­le-free medica­tion dis­pen­sers are sup­por­ting elder­ly people living at home.

Alrea­dy over 2,000 hap­py end-users due to tru­ly easy-to-use experience:

- Touc­he­less pill dose dispensing

- Clear voice noti­fica­tion by name to remem­ber to take the medicines

- Alerts for mis­sed medica­tion to the carer / relatives

- Easy to use for carers

- Remo­te care system

Read more about Axi­ta­re: https://axitare.com/en/

Gorilla invests in Raxalle led by CEO Lauri Sulanto.

Goril­la invests in Raxal­le led by CEO Lau­ri Sulanto.

Raxal­le auto­ma­tizes work­force mana­ge­ment and compliance on con­struc­tion sites.

It is buil­ding a plat­form to auto­ma­te day-to-day work­force mana­ge­ment and compliance tasks on con­struc­tion sites, free­ing up site per­son­nel’s time so they can focus on run­ning the project.

The Raxal­le team has spent its ear­ly days enti­re­ly cus­to­mer-fun­ded, deve­lo­ping a pro­duct in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­tion with their cus­to­mers whi­le for­ming a vision of what auto­ma­tion in this space could look like. The team is now loo­king forward to spee­ding up deve­lop­ment with the strengt­he­ned resources.

Read more

👉🏼 https://lnkd.in/dA2s39YK (Raken­nus­leh­ti, behind paywall)

👉🏼 https://lnkd.in/dBq5N7sp (Raxal­le webpage)

Gorilla invests in Kwizie.ai

Goril­la invests in Kwizie.ai

Kic­king off the year by announcing the second invest­ment from Goril­la Capi­tal Fund III

Kwizie.ai is trans­for­ming pas­si­ve video con­sump­tion into enga­ging mul­tiplayer quiz games.

Led by Chris Pet­rie (CEO), Andrei Lape­rie (CTO) and Jan­ne Jor­ma­lai­nen (Chair­man of the Board), Kwizie revo­lu­tio­nizes pas­si­ve video watc­hing by trans­for­ming any kind of video con­tent – from in-depth 3 hour lec­tu­res to brief, spon­ta­neous tuto­rials cap­tu­red using your smartp­ho­ne – into an inte­rac­ti­ve lear­ning expe­rience with AI.

In just a few minu­tes, educa­tors can trans­form even somew­hat disor­ga­nized or poor­ly recor­ded video con­tent into an orga­nized, data-dri­ven and gami­fied educa­tio­nal expe­rience for their lear­ners.

Kwizie has alrea­dy made its mark - the tool is now being used on all con­ti­nents by thousands of educa­tors (see educa­tor tes­ti­mo­nials in video and text) and ear­ning recog­ni­tion as a fina­list in five inter­na­tio­nal awards.

👉 Go and try Kwizie for free here https://www.kwizie.ai/

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

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