Goril­la Capi­tal invests in 10.team 🇸🇪

Hab­bie’s ser­vice ser­vice makes trai­ning fun and moti­va­ting, ensu­res the qua­li­ty of the treat­ment and pro­mo­tes compliance and fol­low-up. For staff and care­gi­vers, Hab­bie pro­vi­des the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help more people, regard­less of whet­her it is per­so­nal rehab trai­ning at home or pre­ven­ti­ve group trai­ning at the nur­sing home, with exis­ting resources.

“Alrea­dy today, the­re is a lack of staff in healthca­re and as more and more people are get­ting older, healthca­re will not be able to cope with the task. That’s why Hab­bie was deve­lo­ped, a ser­vice that helps care­gi­vers help more people and moti­va­tes the patient so that the trai­ning is also car­ried out”, says Mar­tin Lars­son, CEO Hab­bie Health­Tech AB.

“When we meet foun­ders we always ask our­sel­ves are they curious about sol­ving their cus­to­mer’s problem? With Hab­bie that crys­tal­li­sed qui­te quickly and we were hap­py to find out that the first ver­sion of Hab­bie was deve­lo­ped in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­tion with cus­to­mers. With this mind­set and pre­vious ent­repre­neu­rial expe­rience, Hab­bie is well-posi­tio­ned to be the much-nee­ded ser­vice that can help elder­ly care and reha­bi­li­ta­tion impro­ve”, says Pet­ter Hat­ten­bach, Ven­tu­re Part­ner, Goril­la Capi­tal.

We are hap­py to join forces with ALMI Invest and NWT Invest AB in sup­por­ting Habbie.

Read more:
Hab­bie webpage

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