The Qua­li­ty Inno­va­tion Award was now orga­ni­sed for the 17th time. This year, the com­pe­ti­tion recei­ved 562 ent­ries from eight countries/areas, and the best 24 of them were rewar­ded. The win­ners of natio­nal qua­li­ty con­tests can enter the inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tion. Natio­nal qua­li­ty associa­tion (Excel­lence Fin­land) selec­ted the win­ner for Fin­land.

Con­gra­tu­la­tions Juha Kopo­nen and the team + team Met­säGroup for the achie­ve­ment!

The AI-based applica­tion (against forest insect dama­ge) iden­ti­fies star­ting bark beet­le-caused dama­ge in the forest, and so helps to com­bat forest infes­ta­tions alrea­dy at an ear­ly sta­ge. Insect dama­ge in trees can be iden­ti­fied by ana­ly­sing satel­li­te ima­ges pro­vi­ded by ESA’s Coper­nicus ser­vice.

Read more from press relea­ses:
Met­sä Group

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