Goril­la Capi­tal invests in Cle­ve­nio 🇫🇮

Cle­ve­nio deve­lops a sales intel­li­gence softwa­re that auto­ma­tes the enti­re process of list buil­ding and account research for sales reps. Clevenio’s new approach to B2B sales has alrea­dy gar­ne­red sig­ni­ficant atten­tion in the Nor­dics, especial­ly in Finland. 

We have alrea­dy seen local­ly that our approach to sales can more than double the results com­pa­red to tra­di­tio­nal sales softwa­re tools. Our auto­ma­ted data and research pro­ducts, com­bi­ned with out­reach func­tio­na­li­ties, are alrea­dy deli­ve­ring great results in the Nor­dics. We are exci­ted to start buil­ding the­se capa­bi­li­ties for lar­ger mar­kets as well,” says CEO Alek­si Hal­sas.

When inves­ting in com­pa­nies, we want to see that the team has iden­ti­fied a sig­ni­ficant problem worth sol­ving. Cle­ve­nio has found a major pain point for B2B sales teams and is buil­ding a solu­tion that could great­ly impact on B2B sales effec­ti­ve­ness. We are exci­ted to sup­port the team on its path forward,” says Ami Rubins­tein, Ven­tu­re Part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal.

Read more: Cle­ve­nio webpage

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