Goril­la Capi­tal invests in Ther­mal Sto­ra­ge Fin­land 🇫🇮

Ther­mal Sto­ra­ge Fin­land Oy (TSF) sells and manu­fac­tu­res unique self-deve­lo­ped hybrid ther­mal power plants for the renewable CO-2 free ener­gy mar­ket. The com­pa­ny’s goal is to be Nort­hern Euro­pe’s lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of hybrid ther­mal power plants.

The hybrid ther­mal power plant uses modern heat pump tech­no­lo­gy, com­bi­ned with ther­mal and elect­rical solar ener­gy. TSF power plant is cont­rol­led by self-deve­lo­ped intel­li­gent cont­rol sys­tem. TSF cont­rol sys­tem toget­her with excep­tio­nal use case of heat pumps, enables supe­rior efficiency and CO2- emis­sions free hea­ting solu­tion for pro­per­ties that con­su­me more than 300 MWh annually.

We recog­nized well in advance the impor­tance of this financing round from the pers­pec­ti­ve of the com­pa­ny’s futu­re. We focused and put a lot of effort into it. The most impor­tant thing for us was to find the right part­ners to ensu­re cont­rol­led and at the same time aggres­si­ve growth of the com­pa­ny. Alrea­dy at the first mee­ting with Ris­to, the who­le team got the fee­ling that Goril­la is the num­ber one choice for us. We are very hap­py and gra­te­ful for whe­re we are hea­ding now”. TSF foun­der & CEO Jan­ne Rita­kos­ki sta­tes.

We are a sec­tor agnos­tic port­fo­lio inves­tor aiming for high diver­si­fica­tion. We were impres­sed both by the inno­va­ti­ve yet prag­ma­tic solu­tion TSF has deve­lo­ped for an inc­rea­singly acu­te problem and their star­tup sty­le approach in a con­ser­va­ti­ve industry. We warm­ly welco­me TSF to the Goril­la fami­ly of “camels!”, says Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Mana­ging and Foun­ding Part­ner at Goril­la Capi­tal.

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Ther­mal Sto­ra­ge Finland 

Ther­mal Sto­ra­ge Foun­der & CEO Jan­ne Ritakoski

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

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