Goril­la Capi­tal invests in UpUp 🇸🇪

UpUp is a Swe­dish, forward-thin­king solu­tion desig­ned to moder­nize how com­pa­nies enga­ge with their cus­to­mers and emplo­yees. Its inno­va­ti­ve approach to digi­tal vouc­hers and mic­ro­gifts, com­bi­ned with a success­ful track record, makes it a valuable tool for busi­nes­ses loo­king to build stron­ger, more emo­tio­nal­ly con­nec­ted rela­tions­hips.

“At UpUp, we’­re revo­lu­tio­nizing the art of mic­ro­gif­ting by hel­ping com­pa­nies con­nect with their cus­to­mers and emplo­yees in new ways. And this is just the begin­ning – our inno­va­ti­ve tech can tru­ly be used in nume­rous res­pects, says Peter Axels­son CEO at UpUp. “Our vision extends bey­ond Swe­den as we pre­pa­re for a dyna­mic Euro­pean expan­sion, com­mit­ted to fos­te­ring more mea­ning­ful busi­ness rela­tions­hips across the con­ti­nent.”

“Good busi­ness rela­tions­hips, whet­her between a com­pa­ny and its cus­to­mers or its emplo­yees, are built on showing genui­ne care and going the ext­ra mile. This is whe­re mic­ro­gif­ting makes a dif­fe­rence. Whi­le mic­ro­gif­ting itself is not new, com­bi­ning it with a caring mind­set and modern tech­no­lo­gy is. This is why we at Goril­la Capi­tal are exci­ted to sup­port UpUp on their jour­ney to set a new stan­dard in mic­ro­gif­ting,” says Pet­ter Hat­ten­bach, Ven­tu­re Part­ner, Goril­la Capi­tal.

Read more: UpUp web­pa­ges

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