Goril­la invests in Epic Invoicing Oy 🇫🇮

Eemel.com is a social financial mana­ge­ment ser­vice plat­form for small busi­nes­ses. It faci­li­ta­tes easy and efficient ten­de­ring, bid recep­tion, and inte­rac­tion between dif­fe­rent types of users on a glo­bal sca­le.

At the core of Eemel.com is an exten­si­ve softwa­re based on the Nettilasku.fi ser­vice, which inclu­des compre­hen­si­ve financial mana­ge­ment fea­tu­res, ban­king inte­gra­tions, and elect­ro­nic sig­ning.

Jark­ko Käh­kö­nen, foun­der of Epic Invoicing Oy, com­ments: “We are deeply gra­te­ful to Goril­la Capi­tal and all our angel inves­tors for their sig­ni­ficant cont­ri­bu­tion to our com­pa­ny. This invest­ment enables strong growth and pro­vi­des us with the resources to deve­lop even bet­ter ser­vices for our cur­rent and new users.”

We’re exci­ted to part­ner with Jark­ko and the who­le Epic Invoicing team on their growth jour­ney. The team has demon­stra­ted excep­tio­nal unders­tan­ding of the needs and chal­len­ges of small busi­nes­ses when it comes to financial softwa­re and has alrea­dy built an impres­si­ve pro­duct with Net­ti­las­ku that displays true vira­li­ty because of its excel­lence.”, says Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Foun­ding and Mana­ging Part­ner at Goril­la Capital.

We belie­ve this new fun­ding will allow Epic to sca­le their pre­sence and beco­me a sig­ni­ficant mar­ket player in the frag­men­ted small busi­ness financial softwa­re mar­ket.”, con­ti­nues Risto.

Read more:

Nettilasku.fi Lin­ke­dIn

Jark­ko Käh­kö­nen, foun­der of Epic Invoicing Oy

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

Maria 01, Building 1, entrance B
Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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