Xip­he­ra will be a mem­ber of a con­sor­tium, which has sig­ned an indi­rect industrial coo­pe­ra­tion agree­ment with Lock­heed Mar­tin rela­ted to the F-35 pro­gram in Fin­land. The agree­ment ini­tia­tes unique deve­lop­ment work of high­ly secu­re elect­ro­nics for defen­se applica­tions and buil­ding of cyber­secu­ri­ty tes­ting labo­ra­to­ries in Fin­land.

The con­sor­tium is led by Cross­hill Ltd, and in addi­tion to Xip­he­ra, it inclu­des Habi­li­to Oy and Nixu Cor­po­ra­tion from Fin­land. The pro­ject com­bi­nes the exper­ti­se of the Fin­nish com­pa­nies with Lock­heed Mar­tin’s capa­bi­li­ties and glo­bal defen­se industry lea­ders­hip.

Read more
Cross­hill Ltd press release

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