Abso­lu­te­ly we want eve­ry­one to reach as high as their abi­li­ties allow them to! A unicorn would be fan­tas­tic! A lot of what we say should be prece­ded with “until pro­ven otherwi­se”. As we belie­ve in data and sta­tis­tics, we assu­me the median type outco­me as the place­hol­der – UNTIL PRO­VEN OTHERWI­SE. I.e. once you have evi­dence that you can do bet­ter and reach hig­her than the typical/median case, then rai­se the bar! But you need to pro­ve you can walk until you try to run. And until you have pro­ven your abi­li­ty to run, you should stay on a rou­te whe­re run­ning is not mandatory. 

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

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