Exit is somet­hing eve­ry foun­der and inves­tor “dreams” about. Exits hap­pen and good exits are results of long work.

Buil­ding an exit takes long time and here are some first steps for build exit - which you should start all­rea­dy today :

  • Know your com­pe­ti­tors and build a emai­ling list of major com­pe­ti­tors CEO’s, CFO’s, CTO’s and other rele­vant Cxx’s and directors
  • Inclu­de them in your frequent PR emai­lings (do not spam)
  • Celebra­te “publicly” your breakth­roughs (busi­ness, technology)
  • Try to be mar­ket opi­nion lea­der with whi­te papers, mar­ket research etc.
  • Be acti­ve and be pre­sent in poten­tial acqui­rer’s major market
  • Try to meet Cxx’s in industry events and cus­to­mer events
  • Go to meet Cxx’s of your poten­tial acquirer
  • Build co-ope­ra­tions and part­ners­hips with poten­tial acqui­rer in sales, mar­ke­ting, mar­ket research, tech­no­lo­gy etc. 

Buil­ding a exit is not a science- it is in most cases hard work for long period - and some luck 😉 

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

Maria 01, Building 1, entrance B
Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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