Min­da has deve­lo­ped a unique plat­form focused on per­so­na­lized and human-orien­ted sales mana­ge­ment, deve­lop­ment, and rec­ruit­ment. Through this inno­va­tion, Min­da has alrea­dy hel­ped nume­rous com­pa­nies boost their sales and impro­ve the preci­sion of their rec­ruit­ment processes.

By com­bi­ning sales per­so­na­li­ty insights with hard sales data, we pro­vi­de our clients with enti­re­ly new pers­pec­ti­ves to enhance sales mana­ge­ment and deve­lop­ment. In rec­ruit­ment, we can pin­point a candidate’s natu­ral apti­tu­de for sales fas­ter and with grea­ter accu­racy than ever befo­re. We’ve alrea­dy seen excel­lent results with Min­da across seve­ral major com­pa­nies, and this new fun­ding will enable us to furt­her advance our plat­form and sca­le our sales efforts. We are thril­led to welco­me Goril­la Capi­tal on board; their exper­ti­se and insights into the star­tup landsca­pe are inva­luable to us,” says Mik­ko Nie­me­lä, CEO of Minda.

At Goril­la Capi­tal, we look for teams that have iden­ti­fied a sig­ni­ficant pain point and are buil­ding impact­ful solu­tions. Min­da has pin­poin­ted a cri­tical issue in sales rec­ruit­ment and deve­lop­ment, and their solu­tion has the poten­tial to make a major glo­bal impact. We’re exci­ted to sup­port the team in achie­ving their ambi­tious growth tar­gets,” says Pet­ri Leh­mus­kos­ki, Foun­ding Part­ner at Goril­la Capital.


Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

Maria 01, Building 1, entrance B
Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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