Goril­la Fund III makes its 20th invest­ment: Men­ken Trials joins the port­fo­lio ✨

Men­ken Trials is rede­fi­ning compliance and qua­li­ty in cli­nical trials by replacing time-con­su­ming manual work with advanced AI. The plat­form auto­ma­tes cri­tical compliance checks that are tra­di­tio­nal­ly hand­led by local and cent­ral teams, ensu­ring that eve­ry aspect of a cli­nical trial meets rigo­rous regu­la­to­ry stan­dards in real time. By eli­mi­na­ting repe­ti­ti­ve tasks and reducing human error, Men­ken Trials allows research teams to focus on advancing new treat­ments with con­fi­dence, knowing their trials are always audit-rea­dy. This shift not only acce­le­ra­tes the cli­nical trial process but also sets a new stan­dard for qua­li­ty and efficiency in research.

As Anna-Lii­sa Parts, COO and co-foun­der of Men­ken Trials, puts it:
“At Men­ken Trials, we’re on a mis­sion to trans­form cli­nical trial qua­li­ty and compliance through intel­li­gent auto­ma­tion. Toget­her with Goril­la, we belie­ve we can reach new heights in efficiency and preci­sion, set­ting a new industry stan­dard.“

From our pers­pec­ti­ve at Goril­la Capi­tal, Men­ken Trials is an excep­tio­nal com­pa­ny in its field. Ami Rubins­tein, Part­ner at Goril­la, high­lights:
“Men­ken Trials has built a unique solu­tion that simpli­fies the cli­nical trial process, empowe­ring research teams to main­tain compliance effort­less­ly. Their inno­va­ti­ve approach and com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty make them a stan­dout in the cli­nical trial industry.“

We’re exci­ted to sup­port Men­ken Trials in their jour­ney to rede­fi­ne cli­nical research.


Men­ken Trials web­si­temenkentrials.com

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

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