We just wrap­ped up the final clo­sing of Goril­la Fund III well abo­ve our €40M tar­get and near­ly hit­ting the €50M hard cap. A huge thank you to our 120+ LPs for their trust and sup­port.

In in this mar­ket it’s an achie­ve­ment we are very proud of! Not that it was easy —it took a lot of footwork, but eve­ry inves­tor mee­ting was inc­re­dibly rewar­ding and valuable.

And now we are 100 % in invest­ment mode. So far in Fund III we’ve bac­ked 25+ camel com­pa­nies, with a tar­get of 100+. 

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

Maria 01, Building 1, entrance B
Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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Our email addresses are in the format firstname@gorillacapital.fi

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