Plan­mark is an AI-powe­red repor­ting plat­form that simpli­fies ESG repor­ting by auto­ma­ting time-con­su­ming manual tasks, free­ing sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty teams to focus on what tru­ly matters.

Secu­ring our first pre-seed fun­ding marks a sig­ni­ficant miles­to­ne for Plan­mark. It vali­da­tes our mis­sion to help busi­nes­ses thri­ve in an ever-evol­ving sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty landsca­pe. Toget­her with Goril­la Capi­tal and our new part­ners, we’re rea­dy to take the next leap toward crea­ting las­ting chan­ge,” says Mik­ko Hen­tu­nen, Co-foun­der at Planmark.

We’re proud to back Planmark’s bold vision for stream­li­ned ESG repor­ting. Their inno­va­ti­ve, AI-dri­ven plat­form has the poten­tial to trans­form the industry and rede­fi­ne how com­pa­nies mana­ge sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty repor­ting in the futu­re,” says Ami Rubins­tein, Part­ner at Goril­la Capital.

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

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Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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