Start with the Exit in Mind! - mini-con­fe­rence was an event for star­tup ent­repre­neurs, angel inves­tors, board mem­bers and advisors.

People pre­sen­ting at the event were:

  • Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Goril­la Capi­tal Mana­ge­ment - ope­ning and clo­sing presentations
  • Nat Bur­gess, Tech­strat - M&A Bootcamp
  • Jonat­han Ander­sin, Fon­dia - Legal con­si­de­ra­tions in M&A

Ope­ning and exit sta­tis­tics presentation

Nat Bur­gess presentation

Legal aspects of M&A presentation

Clo­sing presentation

Also here is link to Ris­to’s Lin­ke­din post about the com­mon “misconcep­tion” about the “exit thinking”.

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