We have been the­re ourselves. 

Goril­la part­ners have foun­ded com­pa­nies, sca­led them (up to 100m€+ tur­no­ver) and exi­ted them. We have wor­ked hands-on with star­tups for 10+ years, of our 2 funds we have to date inves­ted in 50+ star­tups (+ our own per­so­nal angel invest­ments). We have scree­ned thousands of star­tups, ana­ly­sed clo­se­ly hundreds and wor­ked hands-on with 100+. We have an ana­ly­tical mind so we have seen what works and what doesn’t. Eve­ryt­hing we belie­ve in is based on eit­her our own first hand expe­rience, or objec­ti­ve data avai­lable to anyone. 

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

Maria 01, Building 1, entrance B
Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


The best way to contact us is through email.

Our email addresses are in the format firstname@gorillacapital.fi

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