Depends on “what does success look like” for the Foun­der. But assu­ming the Foun­der acts ratio­nal­ly, i.e. wants to maxi­mize her financial reward vs the effort, risk and time, the “math” works as fol­lows:
What Foun­der gets in her poc­ket = Rea­li­sed Exit value (1) x Founder’s sha­re of the com­pa­ny at the time of an exit (2) x time it takes to get to an exit (3) x pro­ba­bi­li­ty of get­ting an exit (4)

Let’s con­si­der 2 sce­na­rios, A is an ear­ly sta­ge tra­de sale, B is a “glo­bal cate­go­ry win­ner”
On (1), A is defi­ni­te­ly smal­ler, B can be much hig­her
For (2), once you start aiming for a high level, you will need a lot of money, usual­ly in mul­tiple rounds, resul­ting in the Founder’s sta­ke dilu­ting to a frac­tion of what it was ini­tial­ly. A and B will have very dif­fe­rent values, A being bet­ter for the Founder.

On (3), beco­ming a glo­bal cham­pion is never cheap, easy or quick. You will expect this to take time, and in rea­li­ty it will take even lon­ger. Life goes by whi­le you fight for your star­tup. A and B have very dif­fe­rent values, A being bet­ter for the Foun­der.
On (4), the hig­her you aim, the har­der it beco­mes – if you are luc­ky to get to the finals of the Olym­pics, your com­pe­ti­tors have all wor­ked at least as hard as you and have sac­ri­ficed eve­ryt­hing to be able to be the best. The odds of win­ning are slim. A and B have very dif­fe­rent values, A being bet­ter for the Founder.

Do the math using the values you feel are right, and see what it looks like. Lite­ra­tu­re (busi­ness books writ­ten by ent­repre­neurs) gives very straight advice: take A! Example: Rand Fish­kin (Lost & Foun­der) could have sold his com­pa­ny fair­ly ear­ly for rough­ly 20M, and he would have poc­ke­ted at least 60% of that. He didn’t take it. Years, and many strongly dilu­ting fun­ding rounds later, his com­pa­ny is much big­ger. But the­re will never be an exit that would poc­ket him the 12M he once said no to. He regrets deeply and wants to sha­re this with fel­low foun­ders so that they would not make the same mistake.

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

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