One rea­son is our per­so­na­li­ty – we are all “glass is half emp­ty” people, so we look at eve­ryt­hing from that angle. But we don’t intend to be nega­ti­ve or jud­ge­men­tal, we are simply ana­ly­tical and fact dri­ven and we belie­ve in sta­tis­tical math, not fai­ry tales. We are ult­ra-curious and we always want to unders­tand. When we ask ques­tions people have no good answers for, some people take it as a nega­ti­ve. Sor­ry, then we clear­ly do not have an align­ment in the basic phi­lo­sop­hies and we are not meant for each other. 

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

VAT 2827907-4

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Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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