What your to-do-list con­sists of, and what your met­rics for mea­su­ring progress should be, depend great­ly on the sta­ge (see article on sta­ges) you are at. If you spend ener­gy on a task that should not be on your prio­ri­ties, it is coun­ter­pro­duc­ti­ve. It can be even let­hal. No mat­ter how good or hard wor­king you are. 

Very few acti­vi­ties done in star­tups are inhe­rent­ly wrong. They might be exact­ly right – for someo­ne in a speci­fic situa­tion. But are they right for you, right now is the question.

A com­mon example of this is pre­ma­tu­re sca­ling  - the #1 cause of star­tup death. The acti­vi­ties being per­for­med can be exact­ly the right ones – for someo­ne who is rea­dy to sca­le. But if you are not, you may com­mit a suici­de as a result. 

A rela­ted topic is, what should be the key indica­tors of your progress. If you are in PMF sta­ge trying to mea­su­re Cus­to­mer Love, think what is a good proxy for that? You get what you mea­su­re, so pic­king the right indica­tors for each sta­ge is important. 

  1. Iden­ti­fy the sta­ge whe­re you are at and what should be on your to do list accordingly
  2. Iden­ti­fy the right indica­tor to mea­su­re your progress towards your next milestone

Shor­ta­ge of time is your big­gest obs­tacle - spend it wisely

Time is the big­gest shor­ta­ge star­tup has. So you need to spend your time doing right things at right time - otherwi­se you hours will be was­ted on doing somet­hing that could have been done on later date.

One of the les­sons I lear­ned whi­le ent­repre­neur was: You can spend your time doing things right (cor­po­ra­tion) or right things (star­tup) !

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