Hyt­ra­de has deve­lo­ped an AI-dri­ven SaaS solu­tion to opti­mize ener­gy con­sump­tion and tra­ding for industrial proces­ses, enhancing efficiency in renewable elect­rici­ty use. This plat­form caters to modern industrial sec­tors, inclu­ding data cen­ters and wind farms, enabling them to effec­ti­ve­ly mana­ge ener­gy needs and par­tici­pa­te in elect­rici­ty markets.

Hyt­ra­de’s co-foun­der and CEO, Anne Sär­ki­lah­ti, sta­tes, “Through opti­miza­tion and intel­li­gent elect­rici­ty tra­ding, we can lower total pro­duc­tion costs for busi­nes­ses in the clean tran­si­tion sec­tor, pro­vi­ding them with a genui­ne com­pe­ti­ti­ve advantage.”

Hytrade’s inno­va­ti­ve approach, deep exper­ti­se in the ener­gy sec­tor, and strong unders­tan­ding of customers’s busi­nes­ses were rea­sons why Goril­la deci­ded to invest in the com­pa­ny,” says Ami Rubins­tein, part­ner at Goril­la Capital.

From the very begin­ning, col­la­bo­ra­tion with Goril­la has been very easy and straight­forward and wit­hin even the first short discus­sions, they have been able to give us valuable insights on how to build and run your star­tup com­pa­ny.” , Anne concludes.

Other inves­tors in the round inclu­ded Sofo­kus Ven­tu­res, Kans­sa­si­joi­tus­ra­has­to, and indi­vi­dual angel investors.

For more infor­ma­tion, visit Hyt­ra­de’s web­si­te: Hyt­ra­de

Learn more about Goril­la Capi­tal’s invest­ment stra­te­gy: https://gorillacapital.fi

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